Planning of Underground Space


Antonia Cornaro


Yanick Graf 
Michael Bayunga

Start Lecture: February 19th, 2024, 13:45-15:30, HIL E 9

The course “Planning of Underground Space” will be taught in English and includes sessions on the role of underground space in urban development, from a historic, social, design, environmental, economic and sustainability point of view. The course will look at early forms of underground space for habitation, conservation, storage and shelter – and will lead into modern times showing applied uses of underground space, leading to what the future might hold for the subsurface development in our cities.

Urban underground space is the undiscovered or underutilised asset that can help to shape the cities of the future. Planning the urban subsurface calls for professionals to work together multi-disciplinarily in shaping a new urban tissue beneath our cities. The need to plan the third dimension in the subsurface is critical in making our cities future-proof, resilient, sustainable and liveable.

The course will cater to students interested in all aspects of the built environment and is offered especially to Civil Engineering and REIS (spatial planning and infrastructure) Master program as well as architecture students.

The students will gain an appreciation and knowledge of what lies beneath our feet and what an asset the underground space is for our cities. The need to plan this asset is more complex than on the surface, as it is invisible and in parts impenetrable. The course will convey methods and tools to gain an understanding of the subsurface and shows which issues and challenges are involved in planning it.


Industry Sponsors

The course addresses an important new field, not covered by any conventional engineering and planning courses. The preparation of the course was supported by partners from the construction and tunnelling infrastructure industry.

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